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  • Writer's picturemartin dickson

The countdown is on!

So as I am sat typing this update I am thinking that I would be well on my way to the second day of riding and somewhere into southern Ireland. I have tapered off the riding and I am so glad that I have. I managed to get the bike out during the family holiday to Disneyland Paris and put in some miles. The scenery was absolutely amazing and even thought I ended up with my little section of gravel riding it was very enjoyable.

My little section of challenge not quite Paris-Roubaix!

The ride proved that the legs are good and where previously I had started to tire going up some climbs on the day I was dancing on the pedals and not getting as tired as I had been. Maybe there had been a little over training and not enough suitable recovery as well as lots of other tiring activities which meant the legs and the mind were not in the best of forms.

I am now feeling very confident that the body will be more the capable of covering the distance I and think that once I get on the bike and get pedaling then I shall be good for that day.

I have to admit I have now got the taste for heading to some of the big classic routes and taking on some of the big climbs that I see in the grand tours. I think I shall have to try and plan in a trip to the south of Franc or the north of Italy or C all of the above.

So as you can see it was stunning I was in the zone most of the ride and did not stop to take many pictures and just go on with the pedaling bit and enjoying the scenery.

I am looking forward to next week and I shall be updating as and when I can. Please be with during the event and I will get as many updates as I can during the ride either on here or on the Facebook page.

Also don't forget you can still sponsor me at the following link

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