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  • Writer's picturemartin dickson

Tabatha - The Tandem.

So I am now over the nervousness and I have popped my tandem cherry. So nice and early I set off to the New forest and I was so glad to see clear skies and no rain. I had been concerned during the week that the first test ride and outing with Mary on the Tandem would be in the rain. The forecast kept changing from dry to wet to dry. It was changing a regularly as the pendulum on a grandfather clock.

On the plus side when I got there the sun had stayed and I got fitted up for the ride. So with the saddle height set it was time to go out and see how Tabatha and I get along on our own. So off I went for a quick ride half a mile done the road and then turned and came back up again.

Tandem - solo ride
Ready for my first solo ride on Tabatha.

Mary had suggested that some of the other rider have the bars tilted up a bit whihc I had to agree sounded like an excellent idea.

Norman being a superstar adjusts the bar position for the test ride.

So then it was time for the first ride with Mary as my passenger and me as the pilot. I have to admit Mary was brilliant talking through the different items and we agreed on the best approach to mount start and what to do at different times. I had not considered half the things and I am glad she has gotten used to taken novices and allowing them to pilot her on her brilliant bike.

The amount of times you just do things that now you have to think twice about, I never considered the need to communicate the need to freewheel with the passenger but as Mary explained if I just stopped ti would probably hurt her knees something chronic.

Getting set for the departure.

So the time for the 'Grand Depart' came and off we went as you can see below.

So off we went with no real concern I am sure there were a few times when I forgot myself in the first couple of minutes but we very quickly settled into a rhythm and were moving along quite nicely. The ride took in some of the course for next weeks 10 mile Time Trial where we are the first off the line. No pressure at all.

And before we knew it we were approaching our end destination having clocked up approximately 8 and a half miles. I have to say I am now looking forward to our event on Saturday and I just have to make sure that I have gotten myself fully prepared so that I can do the pair of us proud on the day.

The nerves are now gone and I have replaced them with quite a bit of excitement. So once again I need to thank Mary for allowing me to have this opportunity and most important of all to Norman who is an absolute superstar and helped set the bike up.

The smiles after having a successful first ride out together.

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