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  • Writer's picturemartin dickson


Yes before any of you spelling whizzes highlights that this is not a proper word I bet you can't find a real word that sums up the same feeling. According to the urban dictionary whihc was the savior many a time whilst lecturing it means the following:

The feeling of being overwhelmed while nervous and excited at the same time.
Larry was so nervcited when he finally received an interview call from Dollywood. He didn't know how to contain himself, so he hung up the phone.

So if you can come up with a better title for this chapter of the blog then please send in your answers on a postcard or a sealed envelope to...

So what has got me feeling this way well its not the fact that in 29 days I shall be embarking on the single biggest cycling challenge of my cycling career. I am actually just getting excited about that and not currently nervous. The thing in question is the fact that last September or actually before that I met an amazing lady at the Shut Up Legs charity ride. She is extremely modest about what she does but she has been raising loads of money for ME research. Her main method of achieving this is her 'Tandem Tart challenge' as seen below when she was joined by the equally amazing Jens Voight.

So on the 18th May 2019 I shall be riding a Tandem with Mary and competing in a 10 mile Time Trial (TT). So as part of the preparation for this event I have my first ever ride on a tandem this Saturday to see how I get on and I am hoping that I don't let Mary down and we manage to navigate the roads and the course on our practice ride.

So any of you that has a few spare pennies please go along to Mary's page and make a small donation.

So the big question is can I pilot Mary to anything close to Jensies time and have the bragging rights in September when I will see him again at the brilliant Shut Up Legs charity ride in the beautiful New Forest. So if you fancy joining us all then please have a look at the following website.

So please stay tuned for the post initial trial and then the following week for the right up of the main event. However I shall probably have to pinch Mary's write up as they are just brilliant.

Thanks for your support so far and keep reading the posts as and when they go up.

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